anychance you would consider doing free shipping since your a new member? alot of us are weary of sending money to new members because there are alot of scammers out there....definitly not saying you are hunn, but it builds confidence in you as a listian if you can for a few of the first auctions :-) great auction here!
yes but the fact that your new to listia makes people nervous to bid and possibly lose money on shipping, alot of new members will collect the shipping amount and them close their account and never send the items...thats why i asked if you could do free shipping. you would get much higher bids...i would bid 1000's!
Hi, I would like to bid for his but in ur previous comments I believe u said it was 10$ for shipping but in the auction shipping thing it said free?? Lol :)
You're welcome. :) The reason I like to charge shipping is because I tend to have a lot of auctions end at once. I sent out 14 items today and it costed me $90! Bid high. ;)