Free: Chili pepper seeds (25 seeds - 5 seeds each of 5 different varieties) - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Chili pepper seeds (25 seeds - 5 seeds each of 5 different varieties)

Chili pepper seeds (25 seeds - 5 seeds each of 5 different varieties)
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The listing, Chili pepper seeds (25 seeds - 5 seeds each of 5 different varieties) has ended.

Total of 25 hot chili pepper seeds. You get 5 seeds of each of the following 5 types of chili peppers:

Pablano Ancho

I purchased them from someone else and don't have any place to plant them, so I decided to auction them. They were gathered in 2009, so the seeds are fresh.

Thanks for looking & happy bidding!
Questions & Comments
do you have habanero pepper seeds because if you do and i win the auction can you just put habanero pepper seeds instead?
Jun 5th, 2010 at 7:54:25 AM PDT by
Sorry, I can't make any substitutions, because the seeds I have listed are the only ones I have. I purchased them from someone on eBay thinking I'd be able to plant them on my balcony. Unfortunately, my balcony doesn't get enough sunlight to grow peppers. I didn't harvest the seeds myself, I'm just selling the ones I purchased since I can't use them myself.
Jun 5th, 2010 at 8:34:59 AM PDT by

Chili pepper seeds (25 seeds - 5 seeds each of 5 different varieties) is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category