FREE: <<<< LOOK <> LOOK <> TEMPLES ON THE OTHER SIDE (Sylvia Browne) <> LOOK <> LOOK >>>>
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The listing, <<<< LOOK <> LOOK <> TEMPLES ON THE OTHER SIDE (Sylvia Browne) <> LOOK <> LOOK >>>> has ended.
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From Temples On The Other Side:
"The reason I want to describe these temples for you is so you understand that everything that's beautiful on our planet was in existence on the Other Side first. Think of ancient architecture: How could peop[le with no real formal education even conceive of such sophisticated structures? Why wouldn't they just build functional square buildings instead? So many people think that human imagination or ginius brings forth remarkable creations or inventions, but they actually come from the Other Side, where our minds operate at full capacity. They're then implanted into Earth's architects, builders, artists, and so forth."