Get it now. You can only change it if there have been no bids so far. If you go to the page where you originally listed your auction. there a line after the shipping part that says... Show advanced options if you click on that you can put a gin on it. which is an amount that you'll except or want for your item flat out. And if somebody wants to & has the amount of credits your looking for then they can hit get it now. And your auction ends.
I dont think it worked. cause if it did it would show up on your auction page and i dont see it. You have to edit your auction page or add to it. I just see a picture so i cant really tell you what you might want for it. but i can tell you what i have to bid for it. I have 3305 credits.
Ok I did it. You go to your auctions and hit the auction with the bangle. then at the very top of the page above your auction you'll see a big edit options button. it also says (manage all auctions) hit that button then scroll down to the advanced options button and you'll see the box for gin. you check the box and list amount. what i just found out is that they take 50 credits away for listing it. so unfortunately i now only have 3255.
I don't thing GIN is available until you reach a certain number of positive feedbacks. I don't remember how many.....maybe 5. It's not many. Welcome to Listia!