Valspar signature colors. With this user-friendly CD-ROM, you can paint our sample rooms or import your own photos to visualize designer colors in your home to be painted.
Over 60 designer rooms! Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Dining Rooms, Kitchens, Bathrooms and Children's Rooms galore!
Choose colors from each of our designer palettes. over 1200 colors in all. Each color instantly offers designer trim color options.
*200 MHz Intel Pentium class or faster processor. Microsoft Windows 98, 2000,XP or ME operating system. At least 16MB of RAM and at least 40 MB of available hard disk space is required to work with many large image files. A 16 bit video display card. A CD-ROM drive and Monitor resolution of 600 X 800 pixels.
For achieving the best performance, we recommend the following hardware:
64 MB or more RAM, 24 bit (true color) video display card. Monitor resolution greater than 600 X 800 pixels. A Windows-compatible color printer.
Valspar Signature Colors Virtual Painter's performance improves with more RAM, Faster CPU's and faster and larger hard drives..
Thanks for looking and happy bidding.
Your Style. Your Color. Your signature