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brand new rapid performance fuel maximizer module,save on fuel consumption and get extra power out of your car,works on all makes and models of cars.
Questions & Comments
Just so Everyone knows, I am NOT Hasseling the lister. I was just trying to warn the public. I know its. "free" so feel free too bid. Just dont come back yelling at this young lady that she sells bad stuff.
I don't see a model number,there is a warrenty sticker on it.You can go to the website and see what the module can do for your car and instructions on how to install it. http://www.installyourmodule.com
sorry to say but this part is a scam! They are listed all over ebay. I got suckered into buying one for mucho cash and hooked it up. i tore mine appart to fond out it is a circutboard with a couple resisters on it. it is designed to basicly trick your cars computer into thinking the incomming air is colder than it really is. it WILL damage your engine if used for a long period of time. They are right up there with supercargers that go on yors cars intake air hose. They are bogus and are scams... VERY SORRY TO SAY. Not the listers fault! There are just fraud products out there!
Just had to pit rhis in since you said it. "not has nothing to do with air lol" did you hook it up? So do you know it worksfirst hand? Where in the car does ot hook up? Say anthything aboit hooking it up to the "Iat" sensor? Or "maf" sensor? What is the website sbowing how to install it? And how can anything ment to work on all of todays differnt cars and trucks work the same on all of them? Work on desiels? Sorry, had to hassle ya a little bit since ya threw that comment out there.
i have had one of these on my ford truck for 9 years and never had any issues with it.the truck made 11 extra hp and the throttle response is definitely quicker.the truck went from 15mpg to 17,as high as 19 on the highway(on a long trip).it paid for itself in under a month.btw...we verified the hp by doing a pull without it hooked up,and then with it hooked up.also,for some reason mpg gets a little bit better with premium gas.we have had one on every car we owned since.never damaged anythignever lit mil lamp either.ive been a pro auto tech for 21 years and seen all kinds of stuff thats supposed to help mileage,the magnets that go on your fuel line DO NOT do anything at all.the swirly thing in your intake hosedoes nothing.green filter air filtersthese resistor boxes and better exhaust make minimal,but noticeable difference.there is no majic box that makes you get 100mpg.i have never seen one of these cause any problem except on some european imports,the pcm doesnt like it and messes up the timing,but no irreversable damage.not argueing...just stating what i know is true.thanks for reading and god bless.
this unit gives the pcm specific values related to air temperature and the vehicles computer leans out the fuel mixture (less fuel).they have a saying in the car buisness that goes.."lean is mean" meaning that a lean mixture produces more power,and obviously less fuel consumption.it works on all or most of todays cars because they all work basically the same way.the sensors are 3wire,1 is pcm,1 is reference voltage and one is a ground.every vehicle i know of has a 5 volt reference,and the values are VERY similar.honestly i have NEvER seen one of these fail anything on the car.diesels work quite differently,but the tuners for these work too,theyre specific to diesel though as theyre completely different in the way theyre controlled.i am the biggest skepticof this kind of stuff youd ever want to meet,but these work.however simple.
Well see, I got ya lots of supports! I never ment to hassel ya. Yes, "lean is Mean" But Lean also "CAN" Burn up an engine!!! Thats all I was saying.. I'm glad they worked for someone!. Happy bidding! Sorry
dont be sorry,budy i wasnt being rude.its just that for s little better thsn 20yrs now your cars and trucks have gotten much smarter.they are very capable of running right on the ragged edge of detonation.the engine management computer is capable of adjusting the fuel and timing in milliseconds,and its nearly impossible to burn one up.ive been a pro technician for a long time and ive seen many gadgets come and go over the years,but have tested almost everything on an actual dynomometer to see if there was actually any gains in power or mileage.funny thing is,these resistors are actually quite effective.i remember back in the late 80s,we drag raced a new camaro in a stock class,no modifications to engine allowed.i found by looking over the schematic,and knowing the specific values the engine computer used,that a resistor in the coolant temp sensor of a specific value i cannot remember...but i know cost about 4 cents a radio shack...yeilded about 15 horsepower.which is amazing to me,even though i knew in theory it should work.the thing is there are a lot of crap devices that dont really do anything,or do so little that they seem to do nothing.the fact is tire inflation is probably the single most important factor in fuel mileage regardless of the vehicle or engine type.if everything else is adjusted properly,,you will see a gain,albeit only a small gain in mileage from these devices.sorry to be so long winided...but maybe itll help you get bids for your device?? LOL take care all and god bless.