In order to have better results with your auction, please add a clear, close-up picture of your item. A picture of the back side too will help you, all with the same background. Also, it’s HIGHLY recommended that you write your Listia username on a piece of paper and have it next to your item when you take a picture of it. It adds bidder confidence that you in fact have this item in your possession.
While this isn't a requirement, this is requested so that sellers get higher bids from more bidders, and for the protection of our users who might be interested in bidding on your item.
It is also required that you include shipping terms in all of your auctions and list in the correct category.
This will prevent your auction from getting flagged by users. We don't want your auction to get deleted for seeming like it's not real. Thanks for your cooperation and good luck with your auction!
- The Listia Moderator Team
May 13th, 2012 at 10:30:43 PM PDT by
I am sorry, but I am not able to re-list the auctions that have been deleted. I would advise that you get the current live auctions revised and corrected before listing anything else. I have revised many of them for you, but they still need you to add shipping details to them so that people know what your terms are. I will do my best to help you. Do you have a digital camera that you can use for photos?