Thanks, and before you ask why 18 days? I have 170 auctions going right now and there is no way I could add more to that 2-wk period! Something had to give, so it was the ladies stuff! Sorry but glad you're watching! Kim
Hi again sweetie how could I NOT bid!!! My favorite color is in there lol God bless and good luck with ALL ur auctions mylanta hon how r u keeping track lol love ya xoxo debi
You see how you are? If I had a clue you liked nailpolishes I would have just added them to the next care package to you! You're so sneaky!! LOL.. Love ya back! Kim
Will u stop honey PLEASE lol ur too funny I only wear it on my toes in the summer AND I NEED TO KNOW WHAT U LIKE TOO only fair love u xoxoxo and did u get my email??
Darn can't even bid on this now cuz I owe u my life lol :-( love ya xox but what u did is far better and it's not what u thought it was by the way hon its the one like urs u better not have bid on the higher one then I really will have to come and give ya a shake lol xoxo ur big sister in Canada
Yes hon u did the right one don't worry it's the one I wanted but u had me scared when u told me which one u said whew I really woulda owed ya my life for sure lol and can I bid on this or no??? Lol and did u get my email? Love u muches ur big sister xoxoxoxo