The listing, Warframe Humble Booster - PC only has ended.
The Warframe Humble Booster contains the following in-game content:
Foxglove Syandana to envelope a Warframe in a silky nature inspired by Syandana
200,000 Credits to assist in making new upgrades to your Arsenal
3-Day Affinity and Resource Booster to quickly level up your Arsenal
Create an account for Warframe. Log in to it and then activate the game
at and hit Submit Code
Note: Requires a Warframe account. You must redeem your code by Dec. 31, 2028.
✔ Code will be sent to the winner via Listia messaging system
✔ No Refunds if the game does not work in your country.
✔ No Refunds due to one time use of these codes.
✔ No Refunds due to buyer's remorse.