lmbo!!! right??? she'll find out when she cant go to bingo... thank ya>:} i love love love my bracelet. did i mention my 3 people project turned into an entire swest detroit project? lol elana and her mom the lil girls across the street my mil and she had to have one for her other d i l ... its an epidemic.
thats awesome. it was an idea to maybe have bracelet party like a tupperware party. everyone gets a bracelet to start and a choice of a bunch of beads and go nuts kind a thing. but we'll see. did you guys have fun? the people in the neighborhood must love you
lmao! my neighbor donna the old lady down the street was JUST talking about that! actually my neighbors mostly think im a b*tch... i didnt grow up on this block and they were trying to push me around when i first got here... but after the first one got um.... beat to holy crap theyve all kinda left me alone ever since. but the lil girls across the street love my girls and they love them too... it was yasmeens bday and i was like oh give her a bracelet.... then it kinda snow balled the baby sister was like oooh can i have one and then the oldest wanted one too... lmao
thats great, about the bracelets not about the loser getting beat to holy crap haha but i love what you are doing w/ everything. your paying it forward, I guess thats what you could call it. you know what that is??? GOOD KARMA
Those in Cali have been having jewelry parties for years, Everybody brings whatever jewelry they have that they don't want anymore and exchange it, all FREE. And hey, if it's FREE it's for me......