Free: Adjustable Euro charm bracelet ~FITS ANYONE~ *GIN BONUS your CHOICE of Charm* FREE US Shipping - Bracelets - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Adjustable Euro charm bracelet ~FITS ANYONE~ *GIN BONUS your CHOICE of Charm* FREE US Shipping

Adjustable Euro charm bracelet ~FITS ANYONE~ *GIN BONUS your CHOICE of Charm* FREE US Shipping
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The listing, Adjustable Euro charm bracelet ~FITS ANYONE~ *GIN BONUS your CHOICE of Charm* FREE US Shipping has ended.

Bright silver plated adjustable European charm bracelet ... TWO choices ~ adjustable from 7.0 to 9 inches, or 7.5 to 9.5 inches. With Get it Now I'll send you a bonus ... any charm I have in stock. Search natahoa in the Jewelry category to find YOUR bonus charm!

My Get it Now is what you'd pay for a $6-$7 gift card on Listia, a nice bargain with free US shipping AND a bonus charm of your choice! These bracelets would cost at least $20 in a store.

Keep in mind you need at LEAST an extra inch larger than your normal wrist size, because Euro charms are bulky. So, a lady with a TINY 6 or 6.5-inch wrist needs the smaller size, but MOST women could wear either size bracelet.

I also have bangle bracelets in two sizes. To find those and see all my lovely Euro charms, just:
* Search natahoa
* Specify the Jewelry category
* List them "ending soonest" to see what is ending this weekend, often very nice bargains!

You win a bracelet and ONE charm of your choice with Get it Now, NOT a completed bracelet. Photos show completed bracelets to show how FABULOUS Euro charm bracelets look with just a few color beads and lots of silver.

Check my listings for everything you need to make your own unique jewelry, or a GREAT gift ... with lots more photos of bracelets to inspire you ...

Free US shipping.

Canadian buyers must send me $2 via Paypal (only). I will ship ANY number of wins for $2, so win a bunch and save on shipping!

I ship on Wednesdays after my listings end Monday and Tuesday nights ~ type natahoa in the search box and use the drop-down menu to list them "ending soonest." Good luck!

MANY people ask if I sell off Listia. I do not, but am happy to sell items I have in stock if you can pay via Paypal. Send a message with your e-mail address and I will send you my price list.

Please don't ask me to fan you, and I suggest you use discretion in whom you fan ... scammers LOVE to have lots of fans. I only fan someone after a transaction.
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Adjustable Euro charm bracelet ~FITS ANYONE~ *GIN BONUS your CHOICE of Charm* FREE US Shipping is in the Jewelry & Watches | Bracelets category