what sites do u get these free product coupons from??? email me at bwheezyfree@yahoo.com if you would, im trying to make ends meet after losing my job of 10 yrs, im a single mom, broke, and anything would help. :)
If you have a problem with a product you should email the company. If it isn't up to your expectations at all. The company will send you a replacement coupon. It takes some work. Yogurt that doesn't seem right, i had diapers that felt stiff, aluminum foil that wasn't unrolling properly, a few splenda packets that had no product in them, damaged product. Good luck bidding and all the best to you.
Also, bbsweety, i was layed off too and i explained my situation to many manufacturers, some were very responsive and generous. Others were less than helpful and some don't even respond. These manufacturers give away so many coupons that they don't even handle complaints themselves, they get outsourced to companies that solely compensate consumers.