Amen to the above. I see no replies from you whatsoever. You are not verified in in way shape of form. Please tell me what exact shipping would be as you're being so secretive, I'm not sending money to someone who does not want to communicate.
I would also really love to bid on this purse, could you answer some of our questions and perhaps include a photo of the other side and the inside too? This is an amazing website to use, you should communicate with us so you can start earning credits and getting great stuff! I'm not worried about the photo being in a store (a lot of people on here own stores) but I'm very worried about the lack of communication!
Since this picture looks to be from a rack in the store with no additional photos and no comments by the individual to address peoples questions it appears to be a scam. I am going to flag this auction and let the moderator look into this auction.