The listing, KAYAK Mobile PRO - Apple iTunes App has ended.
Get KAYAK on the go
The #1 Mobile Travel App. Includes flight and car search, hotel search and booking, flight tracker and My Trips, so you have your full itinerary at your fingertips. And of course, KAYAK is free.
- Compare flight, hotel and car rental deals
- Book your hotel, right in the app. Just choose KAYAK as your booking option
- Track your flight status
- View and manage your trip itinerary
- Look up baggage fees
- Access airline numbers and airport info
- NEW feature exclusive to Pro version: Airport terminal maps for over 100 airports: abq, aus, bru, cvg, ewr, hkt, kix, man, mlb, okc, phx, roc, slc, tpe, yvr, akl, ayt, buf, dab, far, hnl, las, mci, msp, oma, pia, rsw, smf, txl, ywg, alb, bcn, bur, dal, fco, hou, lax, mco, msy, ont, pie, san, sna, vie, yyc, ama, bdl, bwi, day, fll, hsv, lga, mdw, mtj, ord, pit, sat, stl, waw, yyz, ams, bkk, cdg, dca, fra, iad, lgw, mel, muc, orf, pmi, sdf, stn, yeg, zrh, anc, bna, cle, den, grb, iah, lhr, mem, mxp, ory, prg, sea, str, yhz, arn, bne, clt, dfw, grr, ind, lin, mex, nrt, pdx, pvd, sfo, svo, yow, ath, bom, cmh, dtw, gso, jax, lys, mia, oak, pek, rdu, sjc, syd, yqb, atl, bos, cph, dub, hkg, jfk, mad, mke, ogg, phl, ric, sju, tpa, yul
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.0 or later.
For more information search "Kayak" on the iTunes Store or the App Store.
Normally, this is a $0.99 download from iTunes.
User must have an US iTunes account to redeem the code. Code will expire on August 14, 2012
This is for a download code ONLY!
I will email through your Listia messaging the code to the winner within 2 days after the auction ends.
Good luck!