your welcome. My friends dog does not know how to play ball yet but she carries the ball around the house and sleeps with it. When she figures out how to play ball, that dog will be so excited
Neat Auction!! tennis Ball is the one toy every dog I have had loves to play! Either carrying them around or fetching or playing 'keep away' from the other dogs! Any game is better with a tennis ball involved :) My pup pictured her used to carry 2 or 3 tennis balls at once!
I agree there are so many dogs and other animals out there to love. Some even offer free dog lessons and I wish more people would go to them. If people went to classes at the first sign of maybe the dog is not "perfect" dog school would help the owner with reality and could train good behavior.
my dog is a rescue dog and she had no idea how to play with balls. We went to the dog park enough that she watched the other dogs. She would run with them but never touch the ball. Then one day she stole a ball. So I went out and got her some. Now we have all kinds of fun.