Free: Your Name in Hieroglyphs + More! - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Your Name in Hieroglyphs + More!

Your Name in Hieroglyphs + More!
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The listing, Your Name in Hieroglyphs + More! has ended.

The idea for this auction came to me when someone e-mailed me to ask me to write something in Hieroglyphs for a family event.

I thought if I could do it for him,why not for you? So here we go.

This auction is for someone's name written on hieroglyphs. I will write it phonetically (or alphabetically, whatever you prefer), using a hieroglyphs computer font, and e-mail it to you as a .gif or another format of your choice that I can handle.

I might possibly be able to add a phrase around that name. For example, the picture says "happy birthday Emma". But ask first, as I won't be able to handle anything too complicated.

Also, bear in mind that vowels were not written down in Ancient Egyptian, and that they didn't have many of our sounds (e.g. "ch", "z", "l"), so I will substitute with the closest sound when this is an issue. Again, feel free to ask questions.
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Your Name in Hieroglyphs + More! is in the Other Stuff | Other category