While stock photos are allowed in auctions, they should not be the only pictures shown. Listia strongly recommends that you also include pictures of the actual item that is being auctioned - front, back and side. For higher valued items, please include a notecard or piece of paper with your Listia username in one of the pictures of the actual item. While this isn't a requirement, this is requested so that sellers get higher bids from more bidders, and for the protection of our users who might be interested in bidding on your item. It'll also prevent your auction from getting flagged by users. We don't want your auction to get deleted for seeming like it's not in your possession. Thanks for your cooperation and good luck with your auction!
You mean Wii, the NES is my other auction and yes that is correct, I apologize if the title was misleading but it is listed here as a photo for a reason. Bidders are responsible for reading through the auction before bidding. Any questions regarding what is included i would be happy to answer.
I had no intent to deceive the viewer of this listing, I stated that it was a picture and even when asked i confirmed that it was a picture. If i had intent to deceive the viewer then i would have gone about my actions differently.
I apologize for that, in the future i will be sure to be more clear regarding this subject, but the bidders having not thoroughly read the entire listing is not a crime on my behalf, for it is their responsibility to thoroughly read the products information. The category option is included for a good reason.
I never said it was not a picture, I believe it clearly states that its a picture, right under where it says "Free shipping" which everyone seems to notice.
By that same logic, I can post a picture of diamond ring, describe the picture as an actual ring under the category PHOTO and expect someone to know that's it's only a picture of a ring - very misleading... If you had any decency, you'd find a way to end this and return the credits to the person that's going to be expecting an actual Wii.