The listing, graduation picture frame has ended.
new 4x6 graduation picture frame.. still sealed in its original rapper..
I will not lower the number of days or post a GIN (if not already there). Don't ask!
I will not refund your credits unless it is truly my error. No buyers remorse and what the post office does is not my fault.
Provide your listia approved address within (email not accepted) 7 days or I will repost product and keep your credits (per listia's rules).
I ship only on fridays. If I have any problems with this arrangement I will communicate with you.
I am too nice a person & don't deserve Rude comments. They will NOT be tolerated & I will block you from further auctions.
Please do not advertise on my auctions, the comments involving this will be reported to listia.
If you have a question you are confused about something, please ask me. Most people on Listia are awesome but you always get a few that spoil it for everyone else.
please check out my other auctions