The listing, COACH Bag - small has ended.
Since this bag was removed because someone thought it was fake, I thought I should learn more about Coach Bags.
Some things I’ve learned about Coach Bags:
1. NOT ALL COACH BAGS HAVE A SERIAL NUMBER! Sometimes fakes have serial numbers! Smaller bags don’t always have them.
2. The insignia should be embossed or “branded” into, not just stamped onto the leather patch.
3. The stitching should be even, neat stitches.
4. Where the material meets at a seam in the front or back, the pattern should also match. This does not happen on the sides since that would be very difficult to do.
5. The zipper used in a COACH bag is of a certain brand and has a YKK stamped onto the metal somewhere. This can be very hard to find, however (even though I’m sure you can’t see it on the picture), my bag does have the YKK on the side of the pull start. The zipper pull will be of leather or a series of rings. Mine has the leather pull and one ring.
6. When a C faces each other as in the pattern of my bag, the top touches, as mine does.
7. When there is a pattern outside, there is NO pattern inside.
I hope this eases peoples minds, so now LET THE BIDDING BEGIN!!!