Free: lot 6 mtg found old shoebox's of magic the gathering cards - Trading Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: lot 6 mtg found old shoebox's of magic the gathering cards

lot 6 mtg found old shoebox's of magic the gathering cards
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The listing, lot 6 mtg found old shoebox's of magic the gathering cards has ended.

i did some cleaning in my garage and found 2 stuffed shoeboxes of mtg cards...mostly common and uncommon cards but some rares, from 1993 to 2007, that i forgot about a few years back. I will be picking 10 cards randomly out of the boxes for each auction held. if u have a preference on a color i can send u randoms of that specific color. also there will be some awesome bonuses at every 500 credits . if u have any questions feel free to ask

be sure to bid on my other auction to as not miss out on the free magic cards! i will be doing these random auctions till the are all gone

listia verified addresses only
Questions & Comments
If I win I'd like black or colorless
Aug 4th, 2012 at 10:41:03 AM PDT by
No problem
Aug 4th, 2012 at 11:18:18 AM PDT by
Default avatar m
i will give u a thousand 4 them all
Aug 4th, 2012 at 10:53:01 AM PDT by
Cash maybe I get about 800 to 3000 every ten cards with bonus, 1000 cress is really like 45cents to me
Aug 4th, 2012 at 11:18:00 AM PDT by

lot 6 mtg found old shoebox's of magic the gathering cards is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards category