The listing, "Rhythm Nation 1814" by Janet Jackson has ended.
This is a Very Good condition copy of "Rhythm Nation 1814" by Janet Jackson.
Rhythm Nation
State Of The World
The Knowledge
Miss You Much
Love Will Never Do (Without You)
Livin' In A World (They Didn't Make)
Black Cat
Come Back To Me
Someday Is Tonight
w/ 8 Interludes
Happy Bidding!
P.S. A word about “FREE SHIPPING”:
Please remember, “FREE SHIPPING” is free for YOU – not for ME. I am paying to ship this to you in the USA. Please keep this in mind when placing your generous bids. Depending on the item, shipping can cost from $2.00 to $8.00. What is that worth to you in Listia Credits?
Please make FREE SHIPPING worth it and bid high!
If you have any desire to contribute to shipping costs, you may do so through PayPal. Any donation amount is supremely appreciated. You can send donations to through PayPal.
P.P.S. Please DO NOT ask me:
1. To shorten the number of days this auction lasts.
2. To offer free international shipping. It costs me 4-5x more (at least) to ship internationally – yes, even to Canada.
3. To add a ridiculously low GIN to this auction. I will only accept ridiculously HIGH GIN offers. ;-)
4. If shipping is FREE in the USA. It is. That’s why it says it is.
5. Anything I have already answered above in the description.