we went there for vacation a few years ago and we loved it, no allergy or asthma problems for me or hives from cold.. so we decided to sell everything and move, so now we are finally ready to leave, we are leaving for florida next friday. we cant wait to leave cold rainy ohio.
it rains a lot in Florida my daughter is still there and it has rained every day this summer. But it is a tropical rain and you can grow lots of plants there. My husband was born and raised in Texas and told me Texas was hotter than Florida until I took him there and the humidity almost killed him LOL he doesn't argue anymore that Texas is hotter. But you get use to the humidity after awhile. I miss all the green. Texas is hot and dry and i can't get anything to grow here. I was born in Tampa and spent most of my life in a little town in Central Florida called Ocala. Lots of beautiful horse farms.
we looked at ocala , then we decided on winter haven, first our intentions were to move there then find jobs.. but my husband got a job over the phone and he starts a really good job there on the 23rd. but it is in south high point. so we will be moving closer to there. i also have a cousin who is a charter boat capt. in clearwater marina. when i told my family and friends we are selling everything and moving to florida with no jobs , we will find them when we get there, my family said i was crazy but all my friends told me "cool" they wish they could do that.. and i just tell them, do it. my one friends just moved from tn, to az. did the same thing we are doing.
once you settle in get on the internet and find old scenic back road drives for example Dixie HWY near Daytona or of the small towns like Hernando and Inverness and you will get a feel for what old Florida was like. Those places are disappearing fast and well worth seeing before they disappear. On Dixie Hwy you will drive down the road with a huge canopy of oak trees creating an umbrella over you it is beautiful.