Free: Articuno Holo Pokemon Card - Trading Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Articuno Holo Pokemon Card

Articuno Holo Pokemon Card
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The listing, Articuno Holo Pokemon Card has ended.

Articuno. 2/110. Reverse Holographic. Great condition. These sell on Ebay for an average of $5.69.
Questions & Comments
yes i am agreeing. just adding a bit more info for others lol
Aug 12th, 2012 at 8:49:51 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Great. Lol. I am OCD, so all of my cards are in pretty good shape. If they have damage, it normally was like that before I got it. I've got a bunch listed ending around the same time as this one. Oh, and just so everyone knows, this card is from the same set as the Ultra Rare Shadowless Charizard! These are by no means "common" cards!!
Aug 12th, 2012 at 8:55:22 PM PDT by
so it's real look how unfaded that back looks.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 8:15:58 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Are you agreeing that it is in fact real? I cant tell. Its so much harder to read how someone says something. Lol.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 8:24:55 PM PDT by
it's a reverse holo. the pokemon picture isn't holo while everything outside of it is.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 8:13:13 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Yes...? You are very right.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 8:23:44 PM PDT by
Ok awesome thanks :)
Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:22:29 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
No prob! And Dayna11, it looks like it got fixed! lol.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:25:05 PM PDT by
Your right actually, just looked it up. My mistake. I just had a card with a similar foil cover and it was fake. My bad, sorry
Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:55:03 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Thank you for understanding. I feel that maybe I should have done more research on this card before posting it on here. It may do better in a private sale on another website due to its rarity and the lack of people who have actually come across a Legendary card.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:57:52 PM PDT by
It's still staying on here though right
Aug 12th, 2012 at 4:17:04 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Unless Listia takes it down, yes. :) And I just looked through my decks I have left and found more cards from the Legendary set. Moltres, Omastar, Pidgey, Tentacool, and Tentacruel. All non-holo. I'm gonna be auctioning off more of my cards based on the set they come in from now on to make it easier for people to look up and verify the cards they are looking at.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 4:28:11 PM PDT by
Ok good, cuz I'm currently winning, and now that I know this card is real I want it bad haha. Fanned :)
Aug 12th, 2012 at 4:29:42 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Honestly, I figure with everyone trying to prove me wrong on it being legitimate, there will be more people looking at it. I actually just paid to make it a Premium auction, too. I have found where people have paid around $15-$20 for this card. I wish I could edit the title, but the auction is ending too soon for me to be able to. lol.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 4:32:25 PM PDT by
Premium auction?
Aug 12th, 2012 at 4:33:38 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Yea, it mean that when people search for anything, the Premium auctions are in the first few no matter what they are searching. It will get my auction seen by wayyy more people. :)
Aug 12th, 2012 at 4:37:42 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
im winning
Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:11:27 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Lol. Well good luck!
Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:13:27 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
thanks for a great card
Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:12:00 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
I knew it was a good card, I just didn't know how good til someone tried to tell me it was a fake. lol. Glad I did more research! This card is exceptional! Probably better than most you will see on Listia! :) Good Luck!
Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:14:18 PM PDT by
Also I'm bidding on your Spanish pikachu, so if I win both of them can you ship them together?
Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:16:27 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Yes I always try to ship multiple winnings together. :) And due to the nature of this card, the winner of this card will get Tracking, a protective sleeve, and a bubble envelope with first class shipping. All free. :)
Aug 12th, 2012 at 5:21:43 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Come on guys! This card is worth wayyyy more than 1,000 credits!
Aug 13th, 2012 at 8:42:45 AM PDT by
This card is unfortunately a fake :<
Aug 12th, 2012 at 9:53:06 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Why do you say that? I've seen plenty of these and never once heard of a fake.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 9:54:29 AM PDT by
Sorry but that guys right
Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:48:26 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Okay... Seriously. Look at the set of cards in the link i posted. Look at the individual card I linked. And look at my card. They are exactly the same. It's rare. Im not doubting that you've probably never seen one. I'm sorry, but you are mistaken.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:53:51 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
I'm sorry you aren't able to understand. I see you are probably much younger than I am, so I will try to put this plainly:

You don't know everything.

I will be blocking you from my auctions. I hope you can understand that. I really don't care to hear from someone who can send me links to a card that is not mine swearing that it is the "real version" when it is just another version. There were at least two companies making the pokemon cards at the time and the second link you posted lead me to that very fact. It also lead me to the page with all the "sets" and their images. From there I clicked on the "set image" that is on my card. That page is the link I posted for you to see. It's a list of Legendary Pokemon cards that all look just like mine. They all have the "burst" holographic image. And they are all 100% real. What I have read about the fake cards out there make me again, believe that mine is in fact 100% legitimate. I am sorry you can't seem to read that.

Thanks again for the slander. Bye.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:03:58 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Hey, thanks for pointing those websites out. I followed a link on one of them and found this:
it shows the set mine came from. states it's rare. The Legendary packs came with this holographic pattern. I'm sorry you were wrong. I don't know how else to say it. This is a real card. Not a fake. Plain and simple.
Also, the first site you sent me to had nothing similar to my card. Sorry.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 1:10:41 PM PDT by
Lets try this again.
Your card is fake.

I was not 'slandering' your auction. I'm not guessing it's a fake, I KNOW for a fact that it is a fake. I have been collecting pokmon cards since I was 6 years old and they came to America.

As well, I have flagged the auction. I was trying to warn you because Listia can ban you from the site for listig fake merchandise. it happened to me with a wallet. Even if you don't know the item is fake and it is, you will be warned and possibly banned in the future if it happens again. I was actually trying to be helpful so that you would be able to take it down yourself without any warnings or penalties.

Here is some proof, since you asked for some: :a bunch of cards that look just like yours. Complete and utter fakes. :this site shows pictures of a REAL Articuno holo. They were only made in this style from the fossil set with a holofoil background, never reverse holo. And they never duplicated the same artwork into newer sets, also indicating a fake card. : I only link this site because it has lots of good was to point out fake cards. One of the things indicated is a shiny border . The only REAL card ever produced with a shiny border around the card (Not the blue background, but the edges of the card, the actual border) was the jungle set meowth, other than that, anything with a shiny border is fake. As well, they do now produce reverse holo cards, but in the original sets, this NEVER happened. Ever. And they never had the 'firework' or 'sunburst' look to them. Also a clear sign screaming it's a fake card.

Aug 12th, 2012 at 1:01:31 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Hey, thanks for pointing those websites out. I followed a link on one of them and found this:
it shows the set mine came from. states it's rare. The Legendary packs came with this holographic pattern. I'm sorry you were wrong. I don't know how else to say it. This is a real card. Not a fake. Plain and simple. 22858
Also, the first site you sent me to had nothing similar to my card. Sorry
Aug 12th, 2012 at 1:33:40 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Okay, I have spent the last half hour doing research. I have not found a single instance of this particular card being "Faked". What I have found is that this card is incredibly rare. It's actually worth anywhere from $5-$12. If you have anything that you would like to point out referencing why you thought this card was "fake", please do so. If not, kindly do your research before slandering someone's auction.
Aug 12th, 2012 at 10:32:13 AM PDT by

Articuno Holo Pokemon Card is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards category