The listing, Comfort Start by Faded Glory Size 5 has ended.
My grandson outgrew these in a very short time so now I am putting them here on Listia! They are a size 5, brown, with velcro closure at heel. They are in excellent used condition, all man-made materials, and still have a ton of life left in them. They are so cute so place a bid!!!
My house is smoke-free but I do have cats that are completely sequestered from the part of the house that holds my items for auction. I inspect everything prior to shipping and every effort is made to check for any animal fur but there may be 1 or 2 hairs - that is just an inevitable part of living in a house with an animal.
**If you have allergies to cats or dogs, please keep the aforementioned in mind before bidding** Thanks!
I ship out once a week, usually on Mondays, via USPS with delivery confirmation. Once your item(s) ships, I will post the confirmation number and feedback. I would appreciate positive feedback from you upon receipt and inspection of your item(s).
If you have any questions, please message me on Listia and I will answer as soon as humanly possible!!! Thanks for looking!