Stretchy? Idk. It has never been opened. It is furry though! It says that on the front. And I had to try and measure it outside the package because the packaging itself doesn't say. From top to bottom its 8 inches.
We are in the path of the hurricane and were told we would lose power for a while so if I win the bid and don't answer back right away or send a s/h fee, if there is one, I hope you will have patience while we weather the storm. Katrina knocked our power out for 2 weeks but i hope it does not take that long this time. If I do win the item and it is free shipping you can send the item to: Dianne Breakfield and mail it to 134 B. Lowe Ln., Lumberton, Ms. 39455. I am sure you will understand if I don't give feedback or reply right away. Thank you.
Yes that is fine. Since you gave me the address now there will be no need to wait to hear from you. =] an I am so sorry to hear about a hurricane coming your way. I will hope and pray safety is with you. Good luck if you bid. And may peace and safety be with you and your family during the time of crisis.