Never mind, I'm not sure how. It won't let me edit the auction because someone already bid on it. Sorry about that. If you know anyway to change it, let me know.
Whoo gonna bid high on this!!! I got all the rest of them but this one and your only like two hours from me!!! plus i got about 26,000 credits coming in a few days so hopefully I get them in time to snag this!!
LOL i would, but i'm all about 360. I still have my PS3, i just don't game with it. Netflix only!... and blue ray of course. Sorry... But i'm a huge fan or Dracula. SOTF fo life!
If you wanna get your games noticed than set your account up. connect phone and facebook for starters. it will help when you're new. im also pretty new but have already completed 7 auctions. good luck.