F&W, Fan back? What do you mean has a battery hole. Is it missing the cap to hold it in?? Some one is looking at this as a wish item. Hope I can get it for her.
is this fully manual or automatic? does light meter work? why type of battery does it take? do all camera function work? ex. film advance, shutter, light meter, film rewind knob. Do shutter speeds seem accurate on all speeds? Are the light seals intact or do they need replacing? What is the lens that is on it? What is the Lens Mount? Also, most important to me is the lens clean and clear of any dust/debris/fungus/haze/seperation etc... And does the Lens fuction good? aperature blades and focusing. Last, how much is shipping? Thank you for your time.
if it reaches past 15000 itll be free if not $15.25 lense is good, no debris or anything great shape, yes the light seals are intact im not sure about the shutter though and there is a film rewind knob and i will get back to you on battery type
I happen to own one. Good rugged dependable camera. It is all mechanical, manual adjust, manual focus with thru-the-lens metering. The meter is powered by two button cells-LR44 I believe. The lens mount is Pentax K. It is not the screw mount that preceded the K. The camera on this auction seems to come with a short zoom lens which will handle the vast majority of picture taking with ease. Cameras of this type preserve.essence of REAL photography. Also, 35mm is one of the very few remaining film formats able to survive the digital revolution.