The listing, 36 Red rare, uncommon, common MTG cards. All listed. Magic the Gathering has ended.
If the auction goes above 2,000 I'll add in another rare card. You're choice of color, artifact or equipment. If some GIN's I'll throw in 3 rares choice or color, artifact or equipment. I should have enough to cover any combination.
Here's the list.
2 hoarding dragon /m11
2 fireball /m11
1 wall of fire /m10
1 pyretic ritual /m11
1 geosurge /New Phyrexia
3 goblin piker /m11
3 roiling terrain /worldwake
2 artillerize /New Phyrexia
2 lava axe /m11
2 berzerkers of blood ridge /m11
2 canyon minotaur /m11
2 bloodcrazed goblin /m11
2 arc runner /m11
4 vulshok berserker /m11
2 incite /m11
2 goblin tunneler /m11
3 firery hellhound /m11