Have over 13,000 purchase points and now it reads I don’t have enough purchase points to purchase this. It also wanted me to pay .50 by my card. I tried to do it. I’m not sure why it’s not working but I am trying to purchase this.
I'm not really sure whats going on. Are you bidding on anything? If your bidding on something sometimes they will "hold" how many ever points you bid and what you have left over after that is what you left to spend.
Hello again, I just wanted to let you know I have bought from multiple people since the last messages to you. I have had no issues. I would gladly purchase this if we can find out why the listing isn’t working.
Yes I am trying to figure out why. I have never had this issue before. I'm asking a few of my digital friends for advice and hopefully they have some ideas
I have never had it happen on this site. Let me know it you need screenshots sent through a Dropbox link so you can see what I see. I’m sorry I’m the one bringing it up but something is up with the posting. I appreciate you
It’s weird because I saw the posting and I paid. Shows in my balance it’s paid but the post you have is still available and counting down and an alert hasn’t come to me saying I won it. Is it shown purchased on your end?