The listing, One Dollar Very Cool Index Number 98.3% has ended.
One Dollar Very Cool Index Number 98.3%
All of the digits in 11141422 are powers of 2. Only 0.070% of 8-digit numbers have this property.
11141422 contains a 4-of-a-kind and 2 pairs. Only 0.15% of 8-digit numbers have this combination.
11141422 has 3 unique digits. In 0.71% of 8-digit numbers, there are 3 or fewer unique digits.
11141422's digits sum to 16. In 0.71% of 8-digit numbers, the digits sum to at most 16.
11141422 contains 1 triple and 1 pair together. Only 1.5% of 8-digit numbers have this combination.
Thanks for looking and good luck bidders.