yeah i didnt say it did, i mean duel terminal cards are cool and sometimes more expensive so this makes others want it more, so u can count on me bidding
@runingwolf316 Did anybody ask for how much it was? And idk know where u get ur prices from but jump is only worh $2, and plus i said some DT are expensive i never saaid this card was expensive, i hate it whe
I swear bro people like that that try and bring down ur auctions u should just block so they wont nag or complain on future auctions, if u want the card then bid and if u dont then stop complaining, i dont block u runningwolf316 so u can envy and see how more awsome and great my auctions are than urs
they dont worry me bro. if they nag and complain it must be because they which they had the credits to bid on it. otherwise they should be a little bit more mature and just fan and watch and not worry about how much a card is worth. ;)