I'm so sad seeing the picture up. I know it's been hard in you and your family. Especially when I seen it all on Facebook throughout the months. :( hugs and Blessings always dear sweet sis. Please stay strong. God is with us all. You know how hard it's been with my mother. I mean we literally never know what tomorrow brings. I appreciate you & everyone that has & is been here for me. As I am always here for you. ~ cj7251 ( Cherry Jennings ) she passes away on May 1st. I was very close to her as I am with you & so many others. Hugs across the miles. Hoping you stay strong. We both know this site helps you escape from daily life. It's my escape as well. God Bless Always. We all appreciate you.
yes. it is very hard, but I am staying as strong as I can be for my children. 23 years was not enough time, but they were the best 23 years of my life. Thank you for your kind words