The listing, ****HUGGIES SOFT SKIN WASHCLOTHS*** has ended.
This auction is for a brand new never been opened huggies shea butter wash cloths. just wet them and they have the baby soap in them. just throw away when done. please feel free to promote your auction on here. i feel that we are all trying to get our auction seen so we can get alot of credits. we are all a listia family and should help each other. i can not believe some things people say like you will be blocked if you mention your auction on my page, one man had the nerve to say do not fan me because i will not fan you back. i wouldnt want anything he had. nice people are the best!! so please fan me and i will fan you back and take a look at what you got on your auction. anyway i always do free shipping and ship with tracking number. i will ship this out the day after it ends next thursday. thank you for taking the time to read and stoping by my auction. happy bidding!!