Free: RISE OF THE SKYWALKER --- HD --- ITUNES / VUDU / MA - Codes - Auctions for Free Stuff


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Kylo Ren obtains a Sith wayfinder that leads to the planet Exegol. There, he finds a resurrected Emperor Palpatine, who reveals himself as the power behind Snoke and the First Order. Palpatine unveils the Final Order—a Sith armada of Star Destroyers—and orders Kylo to find and kill Rey, who is continuing her Jedi training under Resistance leader Leia Organa. Poe Dameron and Finn deliver intelligence from a spy in the First Order that Palpatine is on Exegol; Rey reads in Luke Skywalker's notes that a Sith wayfinder can lead them there. Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, and C-3PO depart in the Millennium Falcon to the desert planet Pasaana, where a clue to a wayfinder is hidden.

Kylo initiates a Force bond with Rey to discover her location. He travels to Pasaana with his warrior subordinates, the Knights of Ren. With Lando Calrissian's help, Rey and her friends find the clue—a dagger inscribed with Sith text, which C-3PO's programming forbids him from interpreting—and the remains of a Sith assassin named Ochi and his ship, which Rey recognizes. Rey senses Kylo nearby and faces him, while the First Order capture the Falcon, Chewbacca, and the dagger. Attempting to save Chewbacca, Rey accidentally destroys a First Order transport with Force lightning. Believing Chewbacca is dead, the group escape on Ochi's ship.

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