Fossilized Mako Isurus Shark Tooth Fossil (Chile South America, Chilean)
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Here we have a Fossilized Mako shark Tooth that measures 5/8” long, from Chile, a rare location.
This is an authentic fossil and has not been restored or altered in anyway.
• A shark tooth usually takes at least 10,000 years to fossilize, but some can be millions of years old
• Mako sharks first appear in the fossil record as the genus Isurolamna in the Paleocene possibly around 60 million years ago.
• In the Eocene, around 55 million years ago, the Isurus praecurser (Macrorhizodus praecursor) genus branches from the makos.
• mako sharks grow slowly, reaching up to 13 feet long and they are one of the fastest species of fish on the planet swimming at around 46 mph.
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