The listing, RED travel satchel bag without anxiety ... How bout a "Sling bag" : free shipping has ended.
obviously this is not a designer sling bag, I am not claiming that. I purchased these for the sole purpose of selling on listia. For moms and daughters who want a lightweight satchel to carry.
Are you experiencing what I frequently do. I am always tearing up my bags. This is a lightweight alternative to using your designer items for everyday wear and tear.
Also I used these are "training bags" for my daughter to carry around. I told her if she cherished this and kept up with it. As well as showed some responsibility towards it, she would get her own official designer bag.
So this is just an alternative. For young girls that want the name brand & the moms who want to know if they are responsible enough for the "costly investment" or just for use as a make up bag, travel bag for the road. Or to strap around you while you are cycling. For any use you can think of.... this is the satchel for you. Made of nylon and polyester. 3 zippers in the front and straps at the top.
Brand New in package. Made in China. free shipping. Auction starts at 100 credits. 7 day listing.