If u want international shipping I will do it buy winner must go in half on shipping with me. And as for saying I'm annoyed with bidders that's not it. What I am annoyed with is when bidders ask what carrier this phone is for when the title clearly says us cellular Samsung galaxy s mesmerize. That's my point. So thank u for trying to back them up and If I offended anyone I do apologize but u should always read description fully b4 bidding on something.
That's quite alright bearcity. I don't mind the questions. It the ones that ask questions that r answered in the description that r frustrating. Plz ask awak
That isn't true, I have us cellular and was interested, That's why I ask about the keyboard. The more I know about this product the more interested or not interested. Good luck.
As the listing title said it is us cellular. It does NOT take a SIM card and yes it is droid with touch screen and wifi and google play store. I believe any carrier can flash it but u will have to find out for sure. Hope that answers all ur questions.
Can this phone be used with straight talk cause I know straight talk says you can bring any phone over to them but one might have to guy a SIM card to switch it. What is the phone model?...but it is a Droid touch screen with wifi capabilities and access to the google play store it seems from pics...correct? What carrier or towers does it use...verizon, sprint, or who?....sorry for so many questions...thanks