ok this auction is for a baseball trading or collectors item, this has a leather binder in very good shape, these were found under a lot of things my daughter has moved into storage, there are 137 pages with nine cards on each page, so that is a total of 1233 cards, an they are all in great shape, i do have more cards coming up on another sale, but that will be later, i dont follow baseball, just football, i do know there are some MVP cards, ROOKIE cards, an lots more, each card is in a plastic sleeve of it's on an each one is in great shape, so this is a deal for those of you who collect cards, or maybe just give them to one of your children or maybe you know a friend who collects them, wish i could tell you what some of them are worth but havent taken the time to look any of them up, i did look through them an know there are several from all of the different major league baseball teams, free shipping, an if i can answer any questions please ask an i will try to answer them, free shipping an happy bidding