I should add that if you have 5 codes than you have a choce between: 2 boxes of Pop Tarts 5 music downloads 1 movie ticket (up to $12) 25 photos from snapfish 1 magazine subscripiton
If I may ask, how do we know you did not already subit the codes and they are now useless? Just wondering electronically emailing codes, why not cut them out and mail them?
I've got tons of coke rewards from listia and 3 codes so far from pop tarts from listia.. they all worked. You can cut them and send them by mail... but that doesn't mean they haven't been used yet... it's a trust thing.. so far it has worked for me. 100%
I bid on coke points and pop tarts codes all the time and they have been fine. If they aren't just start a dispute. My big issue is when sellers don't respond.
I usually respond within minutes after my auction ends, but sometimes things do happen that is why I would like all to know that if I do not respond right away, that I will within 24 hours. There should definitely not be anything wrong with these codes. I would back that up 100%. I would usually just throw them away, but I figured others could use them.