Free: *Nostalgia Memories* October 1944 Coronet Magazine *FREE SHIP* - Antiques - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: *Nostalgia Memories* October 1944 Coronet Magazine *FREE SHIP*

*Nostalgia Memories* October 1944 Coronet Magazine *FREE SHIP*
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The listing, *Nostalgia Memories* October 1944 Coronet Magazine *FREE SHIP* has ended.

~*~For all those affected by the storms on the East Coast and those with family, friends and loved ones there, our thoughts and prayers are with you!~*~

Welcome to an Auction by BabyBeeJou Boutique - Love being part of this fun, friendly community! Happy Holidays to you and yours! =)

Included in this auction:

An antique bit of history - Nearly 70 years old and in excellent condition is this smaller magazine (7.5" x 5.5") called Coronet - This is the October 1944 issue. In very nice shape with a slight bend in the book (nothing major). Enjoy!

Smoke free and pet free environment! No returns accepted. Feedback provided always! =)

Shipping address must be provided through Listia.

Shipping for this auction: Free in the USA. Exact shipping cost for Canada and Int'l.

Method of Shipment is USPS with delivery confirmation. All Items Ship from Oregon 97601. May also be picked up in person!

Thank you for visiting my auction(s) - Appreciate your interest!
Questions & Comments
Will be bidding on this as the end grows closer. Watching
Nov 14th, 2012 at 7:33:19 PM PST by
Thank you for visiting the auctions!
Nov 14th, 2012 at 7:43:01 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
How many breeds are in full or half page pictures? Im looking for the following breeds in pictures with the ladies so I can frame/display: german shep. bernese mt. dog, b&w springer spaniel, pit bull, chocolate lab, rottweiler & black cocker spaniel. If you list future vintage magazines or anything with the above dog breeds please let me know so I can bid!! Nothing after the 1950's. Thanks a bunch for your time!
Nov 29th, 2012 at 8:14:03 PM PST by
Besides the cover, there is only one other picture with a lady and a dog - it's a Lassie dog. Coronet Magazines don't have many pictures in them. Thank you for your interest. =)
Nov 29th, 2012 at 10:36:29 PM PST by

*Nostalgia Memories* October 1944 Coronet Magazine *FREE SHIP* is in the Antiques category