Free: 6 Chapter books! PIPI Judy Blume and Little house on the prarie - Children's Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 6 Chapter books! PIPI Judy Blume and Little house on the prarie

6 Chapter books! PIPI Judy Blume and Little house on the prarie
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The listing, 6 Chapter books! PIPI Judy Blume and Little house on the prarie has ended.

Lot of 6 chapter books
1) Judy Blume - Fudge a mania
2) Pipi in the soulth seas by astrid Lingren
3) Judy Blume tales of a fourth grade nothing
4) Judy Blume Freckle Juice
5) Pipi goes on board
6 Laura Ingalls Wilder The Long Winter

buyer agrees to shipping. I accept paypal. Payment must be made wtihin 7 days or I will re- list the item and I will not refund credits. good luck and happy bidding!
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6 Chapter books! PIPI Judy Blume and Little house on the prarie is in the Books | Children's Books category