I'm sure with film it would work, I am not a home where the camera is at this time so I can't check this out but if there is a problem I will refund shipping and credits. My sister said there is no problems with it. She should know it was her camera she got a new Cannon and just quit using this one. She kept it for a while to make sure she liked her new camera before she decided to get rid of it.
I don't know alot about it was my sisters and she let me put it up for auction. She does alot of wedding pictures. So I would guess it does. She got her a new one about 3 years ago but just wouldn't let this on go then.
I got it all together in a med. flat rate box which is 10.70 for shipping.It also has the carring case for the camera,it screws onto camera to protect it and a strap to wear around you neck.