It has a logo, looks like a crown, inside the crown are some cymbols, like a shape the top of a question mark, next is a small bottle shape, then a tallsymbol sort of like an f, and the last thing is oval with one straight side on the left, or backwards q, is that clear as mud? I bought it from a reputable music co. Summerhays, that specializes in all musical instruments.
This unit was purchased new about 10 years ago, do they change model like cars, as they look alike ti me, No reed available, I wouldnt want u to use one that had already been used. Like I say, my son lost interest about 6 weeks after he got it..
I did not know this, I will ask my son, the previous owner, what he did,if anything with it, I dont have any idea, as I do not use this instrument, nor do I know much at all about it. I must plead ignorance. So sorry
My daughter took up Clarinet for HS Band and is quite decent at it. I laugh cause her name is Taylor and its from Taylorsville. Trying to win it for her.