His favorite thing to do is look for mischief. He demands to have the cat sitter video put in for him to watch. He'll sit in front of the tv and chatter and sass at us humans when he wants to watch the cat sitter video, he especially loves to do this when we're in the middle of a movie.
He certainly is! He was very happy when I put the cat sitter video in the vcr today. He could care less about the birds but show him anything resembling a rodent, fish, squirrel or raccoon and he'll chase it on the tv and run around the back of the tv trying to figure out where they're going when they disappear off the screen. Spike was abandoned at the young age of 3 weeks and we found him when we took our friend's dog back to them after dog sitting, he was too little to leave outside by himself so we brought him home. Our other indoor cat Rascal took to Spike very nicely and kinda mothered him at first she never had kittens, Rascal's 3 years old and at times she'd rather Spike left her alone but other times they wrestle and play together and act like a couple wild cats.
We weren't sure if ours would or not but they love it. They demand every morning that it be put in, if we don't move fast enough we get our feet attacked and since they're not declawed we'd rather hurry to put it in for them then make the cats cranky. Rascal especially can be mean when she wants to.
Spike & Rascal went wild this morning when my Dad put a cd in instead of the Cat Sitter video, he had to take it out before the 3rd song was over and put the Cat Sitter video in, they were happy then. I think we're being over ruled by the cats...