The disc says "starter level" - wizards of the coast, inc. - by Coresoft Inc. TM is 1993 - 2001. Sorry, that's all the information it's got on the disc.
it is the real game, but it is very hard to play anymore and it is online only. i have it and used to play it all the time. the server crashes often and it is not worth the money to pay for cards(in game) because when it crashes you have to submit a grevence report to get your cards or money back everytime.
Jolecx is talking about Magic the Gathering Online (or something similar as the MTGO servers don't crash that often and card purchases are logged upon purchase). This disc is one that used to come with the Magic the Gathering starter sets and teaches you how to play. This is not really a game per say but rather a tutorial for the actual card game. Very useful if you want to learn how to play though.