This listing triggers a couple keen memories. My Grandma McCoy had very few toys for us to play with at her house.... old truck (predated Tonka trucks by about 25 years), wood building blocks, Barrel of Monkeys, 1 pair of boxing gloves and one tennis racket..... oh, did I mention that there was a piano and banjo that we were not allowed to touch? Way to frustrate a little kid, I tell ya! But she did have 2, yes TWO, View Masters and a ton of reels. We spent hours with them. Twenty years later, I heard that the ViewMaster factory near Progress, Oregon had been leaching toxic chemicals into the ground water for years. Needless to say, an American dream died that day.
wow..I never heard about that, maybe thats why I dont see them in stores much any more. I think every kid from my generation ( im a 60s child) had one.
To be as honest as I can, I have no idea the age of the view-master.. have tested it and it works (when you put the reels in the correct way) and yes, I will accept concealed cash, or money order. I will do all I can to make the transaction doable for any one, just let me know how I could help.