my child tried to learn to play on it; also i had it listed on here before and someone won it and when they got it, they said they wanted to return it because they did not know it was small, and i replied that i had listed it as miniature and they should know what that meant, so this time you notice i put small in parenthesis and gave measurements; i accepted the return, and they returned it in good condition as it was when i shipped scratches or flaws.
I've won one of these on Listia, and it was the perfect size for my 4 yr old. I would say it definitely works for 10 and under. Not too heavy at all. And it sounds great. Not as big as a regular acoustic guitar and not too small like a ukulele. I would say somewhere in between.
Sarahgaither, Sorry people have to keep asking those that have to ask for shipping to either ship the items free for them, or lower the shipping price. They should like the site for everything it's self is free. If they bought it on Ebay, or some online store, they would have to pay for the item and the shipping. If I got something. I would be happy to pay for the shipping, if the shipping is not more than the item is worth. In this case it is not. I am a fan and watching.
Stick firm on the shipping ... if everyone required at least a buck via PayPal and shipped with tracking all the rip-off artists that claim they never receive items that they did get would find another auction site to steal from. Oh, and F&W, good luck!