nope......:) You have to ADD the correct turned up picture as as an UPDATE, it is at the top of your auction page, when you click on edit because there is a bid on it already, mine.
its ok. Like I said, you have to add a 2nd picture as an update. You won't be able to do anything with the one already posted.... BUT if you want to play around and learn with it, try this. You go to your picture ON yor computer. and when you click on it and when you rotate it, you have to click on SAVE AS and give it a NEW title. That new title will ONLY be applied to the 2nd picture, it will not affect your original sideways picture. THEn you can ADD the new 2 pic to the auction. Or email me, and I'll send the corrected one to you, from here and ADD it as an update.
You will not be able to do anything with the original one ON auction site as you already have a bidder. I just want to help you for the future and I love to teach, as I am a teacher.