Wow angels this is 1 of the most awesome treasure that i have ever laid my eyes on, it is so very delicate looking & it is time that i pass this piece on too 1 of you precious angels out here in listia land i am speaking the god's honest truth, when i tell you that in all of my 73 years that i have been on god's green earth, i have never ever met the nicest, most helpful& kind angels, right here. you can truly feel their souls through the computer, it has been the greatest pleasure that i have ever received, it truly makes my heart feel so good & soo loved, & i thank you all from the bottom of my heart. this beauty sums it up, by sayng " a friend is someone who reaches out for your hand & touches your heart". this piece has 5 rows of dangling crystals and it is 4 1/2" wide & 10" long by the longest crystal, it is so very victorian, i believe, god bles barbara ann