Free: Huge Lot of High End Makeup Most NIP; All Unused - Makeup - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Huge Lot of High End Makeup Most NIP; All Unused

Huge Lot of High End Makeup Most NIP; All Unused
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The listing, Huge Lot of High End Makeup Most NIP; All Unused has ended.

It is time for me to Destash!! I know that makeup lasts for 24 months once opened, and all of this has been closed up, much of it never even opened, most of it still BNIP!!

I bought a lot of this from J_Mo and GlitterKitty74 last Summer. Plus I won an auction with 60+ pieces of Hard Candy makeup, this is pretty much the end of it-I do have a little bit left. BTW, Jenn makes GREAT bundles of goodies for makeup auctions!

I will go through and itemize it tomorrow as I am quite sleepy right now, and I want to post one more auction!

I do know that I need to find a new editing program on my New Windows 8 computer that works better than the Windows Live Photo Gallery. I just have such a comfort level with it-even tho the colors are untrue.

I am sure you can make out most of the items:

MAC_100% Authentic; Urban Decay, including a Vintage Token. Again-never been used; Hard Candy; Beauty Rush; Two Face; Rocket City and two makeup bags and a MAC Pigment Tin for more storage. I included some stuff for a GIN, but then remembered I am not having one, so I'm thinkin' you'll just get a few more goodies. And yes, I may be adding more here and there, as I choose to destash further.

Yup, time to get some newer more "NOW" stuff in!

Anyone can bid on this auction. I don't care if you haven't bid from me in months! This is a great auction, and it is gonna go for at least 19 days! So don't be a stranger and come and get your bids in!

I just decided I am going to add a couple of B&BW items, as well. Will get pics tomorrow. And probably more to come!

I follow all Listia's rules and guidelines re: shipping and verification, and expect you will also.

I do not tolerate rude or mean behavior. You will be blocked. We will continue to have fun.
That's what most of us are here for!

Pet Friendly/NON-smoking household
Questions & Comments
opps nevermind i see all unused :D
Feb 7th, 2013 at 7:12:15 AM PST by
Cool! Always remember, if there is any doubt, I will put this in my blurb, and answer this question over and over if need be: I would never sell used makeup. I am a Disabled Nurse, and asepsis (extreme cleanliness) is 2nd nature to me! Even if the makeup is not used but LOOKS used e.g. scratches, gouges from packaging and so forth, I will explain why and offer it cheaply with full disclosure! so you may always buy makeup from me with total confidence. !

I hope this helps you, riah7712, and anyone else who may have this question.
Feb 7th, 2013 at 9:23:43 AM PST by
You're so cute! Lol
Reading all your comments. I can tell you take great pride in your stuff/auctions and care what people think of you. I think you are going to do well on this and I hope I win. I just got outbid on something else I wanted so know I can add more bids to this one! :-)
Feb 26th, 2013 at 1:49:40 PM PST by
Cute...?? LOL Thank you bubbles! I do take great pride in my auction, and my generation was taught to care what other's think, not to be wholly self-centered! that's why I got a giggle out of your beginning statement. I am actually 54 years old, but I refuse to grow up, and I don't rally look it, either! I am still thin enough to wear cute clothes, don't have any gray hair to speak of or too many wrinkles. Yup, yer right~~i'm cute!!!

I hope you do very well on this auction also. Sorry you lost out on your other auction~well, not really ;) Good Luck to you my dear!!
Feb 26th, 2013 at 3:09:38 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Just won a huge craft auction, now I'm short and can't bid! Drooling, though. Great auction!
Feb 25th, 2013 at 2:05:29 PM PST by
Well I'm glad you won your craft auction-I just won a huge Euro Bead auction and had t switch some priorities, so I understand that you can't bid

Sure wish you could though. Hasn't been much activity on here in quite a few days, for as much as I have put into this auction!! :)
Feb 25th, 2013 at 2:20:48 PM PST by
How sweet of you to advertise her auction!!! I'll go give it a bid :) well maybe if its low enough! Time for me to list list list so I always have the credits for alllllll the makeup I could ever want!
Feb 24th, 2013 at 6:39:04 PM PST by
Thanks Felicia!! If you check it out, she has a great deal of really high end makeup in her auction!!

Oh HOW we love our makeup!!
Feb 25th, 2013 at 7:30:50 AM PST by
Not greedy, you are more then fair!
Feb 22nd, 2013 at 10:33:07 PM PST by
Thank you Felicia. :)
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 8:40:12 AM PST by
Just stopping by, wondering when I will be outbid again lol :)
Feb 21st, 2013 at 9:48:39 AM PST by
I hope you do, cuz I want the credits this auction deserves, but I also hope you have enough credits to keep bidding.
Not trying to sound greedy, but this is a lot of uber expensive makeup and accessories!

You go girl!! Nice chatting with ya earlier.
Feb 21st, 2013 at 10:39:48 AM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Eventhough I can't possibly win this auction, I just wanted to say, how totally awesome it is. I wish I could bid, but damn, this is definitely something to aspire to get. Thank you for this auction, I really wish I could bid, but, I will fan you - I wish you the best and the points you deserve for this auction. Thanks again, and take care, Skiwitch :D
Feb 18th, 2013 at 9:39:56 AM PST by
Oh hun, I wish you could too. I am adding about 10 new items as people have been so generous with their bids.

I am going to do a Stuffed Purse in a while, it won't be as expensive of makeup, but it will still be the better department store brands-Maybelline, L'Oreal, some Wet and Wild, B&BW plus misc goodies. I love stuffing purses!!
Feb 18th, 2013 at 10:34:48 AM PST by
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Feb 17th, 2013 at 7:34:51 PM PST by
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Feb 17th, 2013 at 8:27:41 PM PST by
Great auction,f&w :)
Feb 17th, 2013 at 6:25:37 PM PST by
Thank you rosie73! iwfyb right away. GL if you decide to bid!
Feb 17th, 2013 at 8:24:14 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Oh my goodness. What an INCREDIBLE auction. I'm so jealous. :] You're awesome! FAAAANNED!
Feb 7th, 2013 at 4:53:28 PM PST by
Why thank you!! I used to sell mostly high end makeup. Now I'm more into crafts-making my own Euro Bead bracelets for one, so I am "Destashing"!! Getting ready for a fresh-especially to me!) group of makeup.

thanks for the wonderful compliments and I wfyb
Feb 7th, 2013 at 5:16:59 PM PST by
Feb 7th, 2013 at 9:56:14 AM PST by
Great! Thanks dolphinmom
Feb 7th, 2013 at 4:30:01 PM PST by
Nvm (: good luck guys ♥♥
Feb 7th, 2013 at 3:27:19 PM PST by
Aww, that's really sweet-but you have time to list an auction or two and come back and try again! :-))
Feb 7th, 2013 at 4:33:28 PM PST by
Oh no there's not a :) I love your daughters name by the way :D did you happen to name her Amanda because of the song "Amanda" by Boston as my wonderful 80s lovin' parents did? LOL
Feb 22nd, 2013 at 3:18:51 PM PST by
No, the song actually came out the year I had her!
I named her Amanda because when I was about 4-5 years younger, "I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar" hehehehe More good 80's stuff! I LOVED the 80's!
Seriously, I was-and we all loved that song. I worked with a girl named Amanda,and I thought it was just this beautiful and really unusual name! LO and behold!! When I named her Amanda, there were suddenly 5 billion Amanda's everywhere. I was so angry-I wanted something original. Just like when we named her daughter Kiana (she got pregnant right after she turned 15 silly girl, but I made her take responsibility for her) well, that is an Irish name and the original spelling. But now, there are Kiana's everywhere-even with that spelling! Great minds and all that.
Feb 22nd, 2013 at 4:12:18 PM PST by
Well no let me restate dad says I was named because of Boston's "Amanda" but my mom swears it was because of Don Williams' song "Amanda" lol either way I was stuck with Amanda lol. It's a great name name though and I wouldn't change it for anything!
Feb 22nd, 2013 at 3:22:18 PM PST by
Yup, I still think it's a beautiful name. It is very melodic.
My Mom named me Julie because she thought it was pretty, and there were very few Julies anywhere. I bet you can guess what happened. Suddenly it is like in the top ten names! I personally knew about 10 Julies in school alone!

Ya know, I can't place Don Williams, or his song "Amanda"...Oh well. Did you see that I am winning your makeup lot? I need more, now that MY stash has dwindled. I guess I just got bored with it all LOL
Hope you don't mind if I sell some of it right back!
Feb 22nd, 2013 at 4:17:16 PM PST by
losing :( *sad face*
Feb 7th, 2013 at 3:23:59 PM PST by
Bigger sad face :-((
Feb 7th, 2013 at 4:32:40 PM PST by
I have an Auction I really want to promote!

It is amuzichuck's auction and it is just falling under the radar. Once people see the great high end products she is auctioning off, I am hoping they will flock to her auction!! I will list a few: NARS, Stila, Bare Minerals, MAC-Authentic , B&BW, Lancome-along with about 15 to 20 at least more great products.

Here is the link:.

Please go and check it out!! The photos look a bit "green" but you can still see the awesome products she is giving away for credits!!

BTW, I am currently the high bidder-I would like to win it, of course, but let's give me a run for my money, OK? I have the credits. And yes, I could always use more makeup to sell. I have enough for 20 people right now!
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 10:20:32 AM PST by
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Feb 23rd, 2013 at 10:26:52 AM PST by
i just said this right before this comment!
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 10:36:18 AM PST by
Love this auction!
Feb 7th, 2013 at 11:42:25 AM PST by
Awesome! GL if you decide to bid...
Feb 7th, 2013 at 4:32:16 PM PST by
Ok now wait a minute...yours is MUCH cooler than mine!!! Now I'm jealous! LOL - this is a great auction!!! I may just have to take this one for myself... :D I'll be watching and patiently waiting :))
Feb 20th, 2013 at 2:56:26 PM PST by
Oh now C'mon Amanda! (My daughter's name) Yours is great! But I would give you one suggestion. Pick a brighter color for a background, and add a lot more light. That way people can really SEE the GREAT products you have-and you have some awesome stuff!

Now don't think for a second I'm gonna talk you out of bidding on mine, though LOL
Thanks GF, for stopping by!
Feb 20th, 2013 at 5:08:39 PM PST by
I don't know why it took me so long to get over here! But I am officially here and watching for sure doll!!!!
Feb 25th, 2013 at 2:31:28 PM PST by
Yaaayyy!! I was hoping you would show up. I got outbid on the Swingpack, but, I think I helped you get the bids up where they belong. I did really want it, but then I was offered and offer lol I could NOT refuse!! 350 Euro Beads, Charms, Spacers all of the things I can really use right now, for a very awesome GIN!

Next time for sure. and I'll let you know what would be a cool purse...;)

So, Best of luck to you if you Bid!!
Feb 25th, 2013 at 3:07:33 PM PST by
Thank you so much Jewels and Felicia!! You both are awesome :) As I had mentioned to Jewels, I may be adding some more items - have kinda been going back and forth on it but I think I've decided that if the bids go up some more then I'll definitely add at least two things I've kept set aside :)

Thank you so much, Jewels! (PS: I'm dying to win this auction! But I have a feeling it's gonna go way over what I currently have in the bank! Well worth it too!)
Feb 25th, 2013 at 4:22:03 PM PST by
Thank YOU Amanda! I do hope the bids go higher-sorry Felicia, but we've already covered that part lol Too bad you can't bid.

I am really sorry that I added so much more to this auction. It is worth about 50,000 at least, considering the cost of the makeup and some of the jewelry. I have quite a bit of MAC, UD, Stila, Hard Candy, Rocket City, and much more-Bare Minerals...the list goes on and on. Plus I added another 14-15 items to the original auction! Which If I auctioned off just the 3 Urban Decay items would be worth what the current bid is now!

I guess I'm preaching to the choir, aren't I?

C'mon dear fellow Listians, help me make the decision to do another large high dollar auction. Or even a stuffed purse! If this one doesn't go for much more, I will never do another one. I am on a $962 dollar income, and the shipping on this baby is going to be pretty high. I haven't dared to figure it yet!

Nope, I'll be back to </> $2.00 1st class shipping from here on out!

Sorry to vent like this, especially on Amanda's wonderful comment, but I just had to say it.
Feb 25th, 2013 at 4:47:09 PM PST by
Now, now...don't let your hopes fall just yet...remember what you told me... There's still time left and we vultures are going to jump in for the goods at the very end...well at least this vulture is for sure :D I'm sitting back patiently waiting my turn...I even have an alarm set on my phone so that I know when to come over - oh yeah, I'm gonna try to give a run for someone else's at least until I run out of my own and can't go any higher lol.

Keep your chin up - it'll turn out very well I think - this auction is phenomenal in my opinion and I have more credits than some may think ;) and I tend to dump them all if I have to and if I don't win then at least you'll get a decent amount regardless ;)
Feb 26th, 2013 at 10:27:22 AM PST by
Thank you very much Amanda!! You have lifted my spirits immensely!! (No, not that kind of Spirits...although it IS after noon LOL)

Now I am looking forward to the end of the auction. I will be shipping everything out tomorrow. Then I can get postal pickup!!
Feb 26th, 2013 at 10:48:05 AM PST by
F&W!! Awesome auction!!! Love it
Feb 26th, 2013 at 11:53:02 AM PST by
Thank you!! Thanks for watching also. I am trying vrey hard to get my 100 watcher's badge.

Feb 26th, 2013 at 1:24:50 PM PST by
Oh I get so impatient. I really need to get another Gift Card for stuff, so I was panicking LOL Thanks to Bubbles and Felicia for your recent bids. And thanks to everyone who has bid on and/or watching my auction!!

Oh no guys, I noticed I have gone from 113 watchers, down to 108!! Please please don't get mad at me and remove your Watcher status. I'm just a big Kid at heart and I got impatient!

Could everyone-once again-please leave their 'watching' status up till the end of the auction??? Pwetty Pweeze???

I want that badge so bad I can almost taste it :D
Feb 26th, 2013 at 1:35:11 PM PST by
what is used ? :D
Feb 7th, 2013 at 7:08:33 AM PST by
Feb 7th, 2013 at 9:19:35 AM PST by
Your comments really made my day today...I needed if :) my pap passed this morning so it's been a rough one. Making plans to fly out on Friday. Now I know where to come when I need a breath of fresh air :) I see your auction is getting better too...seeee what'd I tell ya? Lol xoxo
Feb 26th, 2013 at 4:21:09 PM PST by
Oh sweetie I'm so sorry. My prayers going out to you and your family.
I'm glad I could cheer you up! I try to be as upbeat and fun as possible. Misery is kind of sucky!! LOL
I'm putting up a bunch of new auctions after this one is over and I take a (very) brief break-maybe a day, maybe a few hours :P My Sig Other I hate that term!! But boyfriend at our age sounds so silly...any who, he is usually up working on the canoe that Jim built (it is beautiful, really) so I get lot's of free time to play on Listia!

Yes, dearie, I know I know. You were right.
Now it's stuck again, tho :P
Feb 26th, 2013 at 4:33:59 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Omg i luv ur stuff i f&w hope i get it i will be checing out all ur auctions
Feb 8th, 2013 at 8:03:59 PM PST by
Thanks so much!! I hope you enjoy my other auctions, also. i wfyb and thx for watching.
Feb 9th, 2013 at 8:26:20 AM PST by
Hey ladies!!

Did anyone notice that I recently added 14 NEW ITEMS to the auction!! (Please read all descriptions)

These are all, once again, high end cosmetics, beautiful jewelry and even a very cool scarf! I bought it to auction, but thought I would throw it in with this awesome mix!

WOOO HOOOOO!! This one has gotten HUUUGEEE!! so don't be afraid to put your bid in, cuz you WILL get your credit's worth!!!!!! :) :)

(Wish I had shortened the days myself!!) LOL
Feb 20th, 2013 at 9:42:02 AM PST by
I miss you too! Life has been ruff but its looking better. I got a new phone and don't have your number saved. I'll message you with a ear full :P I hope you do great on this one, as you see I'm going for it! I've been wanting the Woodstock pencil foreverrr now!
Feb 18th, 2013 at 11:58:02 AM PST by
I'm glad things are looking better for you. I remember you telling me a few things. You look like you're weathering it pretty well, you're still beautiful!
And you know me well enough that I do not give false compliments!
I'll send you my # ASAP and we can 'chat' 'K?
Best of luck on the auction, not that you're not rockin it right now!

Read the new update and check out the pics of the 14 new items I added to the mix! It's gettin' hot in heah!
Feb 18th, 2013 at 2:26:28 PM PST by
I hope you like the new bid! :)
Feb 17th, 2013 at 11:50:07 PM PST by
Absolutely my friend!! I have missed you. I thought maybe something had happened when the texts ended.
Not trying to be too personal, but I am not afraid to state who my friends on Listia are!
Feb 18th, 2013 at 10:19:12 AM PST by

Huge Lot of High End Makeup Most NIP; All Unused is in the Health & Beauty | Makeup category